I recently did a post on our favorite baby must haves for 0-6 months, but since then we have added a few more faves that I wanted to share. Ansley is now 8.5 months old and on the move. She loves to stand, bounce, and scoot herself around the floor. It has been so helpful to have a few different playful gadgets to rotate between when she’s not on the floor. We have used some of these for months and a few are brand new.

- Rainforest Jumperoo: We added this around 6.5 months (could have definitely gotten it sooner). She absolutely loves this. It is great practice for her to stand, and it is also great for her to have the feedback when she jumps. Between the bounce, the hanging birdies, the music and light up features, plus the toys surrounding the seat, she stays pretty occupied in this one!
- Pack n Play: We have had this since before Ansley was born. It is perfect for packing up to travel and offers a safe place for baby to sleep while on vacay. We currently use it everyday in our kitchen, so Ansley can hang out and play without Millie (our dog) bothering her. It has wheels and can easily be rolled around the house or taken outside.
- Portable Fan: With the Georgia heat, I knew I was going to need a fan for Ansley’s stroller and carseat. This one has been awesome! It easily wraps around the stroller or carseat handle, has a low and high setting, and lasts for a while before needing a recharge. It is also super light weight and easy to bring anywhere on the go!
- Ingenuity 2-n-1 Chair: Instead of a highchair, we currently use this feeding chair and love it! We just set it right on the counter while feeding, but it can also be strapped into a kitchen table chair too. The tray is stored underneath the seat and is super easy to clean. I love that this seat grows with your baby. It can be used from the day they start sitting up all the way until they are toddlers, as it turns into a booster seat too. It is also small and lightweight, which makes it easy for traveling!
- Nested Bean Sleep Sack: Ansley started using this sleep sack when she turned 6 months, which was about the time she was able to flip over in her Merlin’s Sleep Sack. It took about 5-7 days for her to transition but ever since then she has slept great. The best part about this particular sleep sack is that it has a weighted bean on the front which mimics the mother’s touch on the baby’s belly. If your baby is a back sleeper, it is best to keep the bean on the front. However, Ansley usually ends up on her tummy, so we recently switched the bean to her back, and she has slept even better! This sack allows baby’s arms to be free and also acts as a blanket for their legs to stay warm.
- Boppy Pillow and Case: This is something that we have used from the very beginning. As a newborn into the first couple months of life, it was great for nursing. (As she has gotten bigger, I just use a smaller pillow to nurse). Since she started to sit up, the boppy has been an amazing support to place around her back, so she won’t topple over. You can also use it on the baby’s chest to add support for tummy time. This is a must in my opinion!
- Kick n Play Piano Gym: We definitely should have gotten this one sooner. It has so many features and definitely grows with your baby. When your baby is laying down, she can kick the piano and also play with the hanging toys. You can also rotate the piano, so that your baby can hit the piano with her hands, once she is able to sit up. Ansley and I both love that the piano sings and lights up on it’s own to keep her occupied!
- Joovy Walker: This is our newest addition, and we are loving it so far. Ansley loves to stand, and I figured this would be a fun way for her to be independent and also practice walking. You can adjust the walker to 3 different positions depending on your baby’s height, and it is also collapsable for easy storage and traveling! The tray is removable and dishwasher safe, and the seat is removable and can be thrown in the washing machine for easy clean up. Loving this so far!
These items have all been so helpful for us as Ansley grows and explores the world around her. I hope this was also helpful for you if you’re looking for some new items for your little one:)
I have linked everything in the pictures below for you to shop! Would love to hear if you grab anything or what your little one is loving right now in the comments below!
As always, feel free to reach out for any questions and head to my instagram to follow along with our journey!
xoxo, Watson