If you’re a new mom, you’ve probably noticed that your baby is changing so much as each month passes. You get one routine down, and then your baby changes things up again, requiring you to figure out new solutions and products to keep him/her satisfied.
Ansley just turned 11 months, so I wanted to share some night time products that we are using and loving. Some of these products have been in our routine for a a few months, and some are new to our routine.
My hope is that this helps you as your baby transitions over the months to make your night time routine a bit smoother.

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JellyCat Bunny: If you’ve never felt a Jellycat stuffed animal, you are missing out! 😉 Ha! But seriously, they are so soft and cozy. We grabbed the 7in Small Bashful Bunny, and it’s the perfect size for night time baby cuddles. We put it in Ansley’s crib for naps and night time (around 10.5 months), so she can self soothe and play.
Wubbanub: Ansley actually refuses to take these as a paci (she only took Mam pacis as a tiny baby), however, these double as a paci and a stuffed animal. We have also been putting these in her crib at night to help self soothe, plus she likes to chew on the paci end for teething.
Nested Bean Sleepsack: This sleep sack has been amazing. We transitioned out of her Merlins Magic Sleep Suit (which we LOVED!) around 6 months, once she could flip in it and moved her to this sleep sack. It has a weighted bean on the front to act as a mother’s touch to add comfort for baby. If your baby is a tummy sleeper, you can flip the sleep sack around, so that the weighted bean is in the back, which is what we do for Ansley. It also acts as a light blanket, since it’s not recommended for babies to have loose blankets in the crib at a young age.
Sposie Overnight Booster Pads: If your baby seems to soak through his/her diaper during the night, these pads are a game changer. After trying so many different things for Ansley, including doubling up on two diapers, switching diaper brands, and going up a size, we finally found a good solution with these pads. We just stick one pad inside her night time diaper, and she no longer soaks through.
Huggies Overnight Diapers: We found that Huggies Overnight Diapers also hold the most during the night. After trying numerous brands of diapers, these have worked best for night time. We also go up a size for night time and add the Sposie pad.
Hatch Sound Machine: If you’re a new mom or a mom looking for a better sound machine, the Hatch has been absolutely amazing. With 11 different sounds and colors, you can choose the best noise, volume and light for your baby to fit his/her schedule and routine. You can customize the settings to your liking and also add to your favorites, so the sound and light go on and off with just one touch on the top ring of the machine. You can control it all from your phone, AND you can control it from the buttons on the bottom of the sound machine for babysitters or family, if you’re not home to control it with you phone. We love this and highly recommend the Hatch!
Baby Toothpaste: If your baby has any teeth, it’s time to start brushing! I recently grabbed this Training Toothpaste for Ansley to try. It is fluoride-free and safe to swallow, which is what I was most comfortable with, since she can’t spit quite yet. We just add a tiny dab to her toothbrush and brush her gums and teeth two times a day.
Giraffe Toothbrush: How cute is this little baby toothbrush? Not only is it effective, but it is also so cute and easy for baby to use. Ansley has actually loved this and chews on it, since it feels good on her gums. It stands perfectly on the counter too!
Smile Frida Finger Toothbrush: If your baby isn’t so fond of the real toothbrush, this finger toothbrush is a good option. Just stick the brush on your finger and scrub away in your babies mouth. Once they get used to this one, he/she will be ready for the real toothbrush in no time!
I know, as a new mom, it can take some time to figure out what works best for your baby at each stage. I know I felt clueless in so many areas and had no idea where to look for help. If that is you, I hope you find this helpful for you and your baby, so that you can both have smoother nights and get some much needed rest:).
Thanks for reading and checking out my post. Please feel free to reach out or comment below with any comments or questions.
xoxo, Watson